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Historic District Design Guidelines Workshop

Sat, April 14, 2018 @ 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

The City of Long Beach is preparing Historic District Design Guidelines to provide information on the types of alterations that are permitted under City regulations. As residents in Bluff Park, you are invited to attend a free community workshop and provide input on the proposed design guidelines, which will impact how historic property owners care for, remodel, or possibly expand their homes.

Get involved! Join us to learn about the proposed Design Guidelines. Your input will be used to help protect the character of historic districts in Long Beach and assist in providing streamlined services for historic property owners.

Share your thoughts on this an other Citywide planning initiatives at the workshop or via email.

For more info: visit

Information and Comment Form

Alternatively, you can email or mail your comments by Monday, April 30th to:
Alejandro Plascencia
333 W Ocean Blvd, 5th Floor
Long Beach CA 90802

Please add checkmark for your district:
Bluff Park or Bluff Heights
Address:______________________________________ Phone:________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________
1. What do you like about the draft design guidelines?
2. What changes should be made to the draft guidelines?
3. If you have any other thoughts or suggestions regarding the draft guidelines or draft style guides, please include them here:



Sat, April 14, 2018
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Immanuael Place
3215 E. 3rd Street
Long Beach, CA 90812 United States
+ Google Map