Sunday 16 March 2025
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Charitable Donations

All donations of any size are most appreciated and fully tax-deductible.
The BPNA operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity. Your employer may even double or triple your contribution. Small and large donations make a big difference and are so helpful. No donation is too small. 

Use PayPal links below, Venmo @BluffParkNA, or mail in a check. Specify General Fund or Historic Lamppost Project, otherwise funds will be used at the BPNA’s discretion. Thank you!

BPNA’s Policy on Gifts and Donations, can be found here.

Any amount is most appreciated!  Donations of $1,000 or more will be recognized on engraved plaques. After making your donation, please complete this Donor Information Form (click here), so we know how to thank you. Undesignated donations will be used at the BPNA’s discretion. To view BPNA’s Policy on Donations, click here.

EMPLOYER MATCHING FUNDS are offered by many corporations when employees make donations to nonprofits such as ours. Click here to find out more or ask us to help you explore the options for charitable giving with your employer.

TAX-DEDUCTIBILITY: BPNA operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity under Federal Tax ID # 95-3080429.  All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law.

CHECK (Preferred Method): Checks should be made payable to BPNA with “Lamppost Project” or “General Fund” on the memo line. Mail checks to BPNA, P.O . Box 14682, Long Beach, CA 90853-4682.

PAYPAL : Using any major credit card with or without a PayPal account. Click here. The BPNA will incur a processing fee; please consider adding another 3% so we can maximize the use of your donation.

VENMO: Our Venmo ID is @BluffParkNA. If asked, our 4-digit code is 4911. Use the Venmo smartphone app or go online Click here. Please let us know using the form below if you would like your donation to be put towards the Historic Lamppost Project or the General Funds use. The BPNA will incur a processing fee; please consider adding another 3% so we can maximize the use of your donation.

DONOR INFORMATION FORM: After making your donation, please complete this Donor Information Form (click here), so we know how to thank you.