The BPNA’s popular outdoor neighborhood social event is back!
Friday, April 4
From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Host Location(s): TBA
Bring a food or non-alcoholic drink item to share for the potluck social, and please coordinate and reach out via email to president @ bluffpark. org (click here) or call (562) 449-0977.
Bring your own cup or glass and your own beverage.
Stop by anytime. MEET new neighbors. GREET old friends. Enjoy tasty EATS.
Residents and guests from all over the Bluff Park Historic District neighborhood will gather informally to nosh and socialize.
No matter if you’re new to the neighborhood or a seasoned local, this event is the perfect opportunity to catch up, exchange stories, and foster friendships near and far.
Photo Credits: BPNA