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Community Meeting – 06/2017

Community Meeting

June 28, 2017

Photos by Various Residents

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Save the Date:  Next Community Meeting will be on Wed Sep 27


The “Bluff Park Community Cafe”, as it was called, garnered a “colorful” array of ideas and community engagement. Ever heard of The World Cafe model? Well, now you have!


Setting up the meeting space at the Grace Methodist Church — wonderful hosts in a historic and unique building.


Board Members Jonathan and Doug pose with Lamppost Committee Member Cheri for a photo before the neighbors arrive!


The room is ready to go. Over the course of the 90-minute meeting, about 90 people filled the room with lots of positive energy! Oh, and there on display is our certificate designating the district as a historic landmark!


Board Members Marilyn and Marco pose for a friendly photo in the entry.


The first guests arrive early and enjoy a photo-op and a chance to meet members of the all-new BPNA Board.


Setting up the refreshments. There was plenty of tasty treats to for all.


Conversations and sharing of ideas were the focus. Old and new friends and neighbors became better acquainted with the BPNA Board Members and each other. A fun time!


Public Safety is one of the core functions of our association. Look at all the great ideas that the community generated on the easel paper!


Neighbors reflect and share their answers on what they would like to see and volunteer to help with related to Historic Preservation, Public Safety, Communications, Events & Fundraising and Membership.


Special thanks to those who newly became members and donated to the Lamppost Project during the meeting! There was much support for the direction being undertaken by the new BPNA Board and thanks to the prior Board who re-established the organization’s 501c3 charitable status!


Neighbors respond with an audible gasp of excitement when they learn that the city will be ordering the 10 pilot phase lampposts for Paloma Avenue on the very next day! Hey, Temple Avenue, you’re next!


VP of Historic Preservation Wally has just shared ideas that the community generated during his tabletop discussions. President Jeff serves as master of ceremonies.


Craig Beck, Public Works Director, captures the attention of residents when he talks about historic lampposts, LED conversions of the E. 1st Street lampposts, the East Broadway “road diet” and repaving the streets of Long Beach.


VP of Events, Marco, engages with residents asking, “What events would you enjoy participating in” and “Would you like to help volunteer?”


Neighbors Marco, Eva and Isaac remind us, as we finish cleaning up, that, “All fireworks are illegal in Long Beach.” An important lesson for the July 4th holiday. See Something? Say Something! Call 9-1-1 or (562) 435-6711.


Hard-working neighbor Lloyd quotes the old adage, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” Here it’s quite literal.

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