This meeting and social have been cancelled due to cautionary advice for everyone’s health and wellbeing in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
See below for information about BPNA’s annual 2020 Board Elections and Budget Ratification.
- Special Guest Speaker with a presentation from the City of Long Beach Public Works on some new and upcoming projects going on nearby and throughout the city.
- Updates from BPNA Board Officers on the latest happenings, events, projects and news for the neighborhood.
- Ratification of the BPNA’s 2020 Annual Budget. Only BPNA Voting Members in good standing and in attendance at the Community Meeting may cast a vote. One vote per household.
- Introduction of Candidates for the Board Positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President of Communications, Each to Serve a 2-Year Term. Only current adult BPNA Voting Members in good standing (as defined by the BPNA’s Bylaws) are permitted to run for a board position. The final call for candidates will take place during the meeting. One vote per household. See details below.
- Board Election to be conducted by e-balloting following this Community Meeting. Only current BPNA Voting Members will receive an email with instructions to vote within 7 days of the noticing. Only one (1) vote may be cast per Voting Member household, per BPNA’s Bylaws. We suggest you watch for an email and check your spam folder on or about Thursday, March 26, 2020.
Join or renew your annual membership NOW. Click on the Membership page above. Or, ask us here. Don’t miss your final chance to join or renew in order to run and/or vote in the Board Election 2020.
Board Elections
In compliance with the BPNA Bylaws, the annual Board Elections will take place immediately after the March Community Meeting. The positions up for election this year are as follows: Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President of Communications.
Update: With the meeting being cancelled, the Budget Ratification will be handled through the balloting process described below.
Balloting of the BPNA’s Voting Membership will be conducted electronically via email from March 26 through April 1, 2020. Dates are subject to minor changes based on the notification. Be sure to check your email (and spam folder) for our email with the balloting link and further instructions.
Add our email addresses (secretary @ bluffpark. org and membership @ bluffpark. org) to your list of trusted email addresses, so your ballot email is not labeled as spam. Only one (1) vote may be cast per household. Only ballot responses received by the stated deadline will be counted.
The election results will be posted on our home page by or about April 4, 2020.
All interested Voting Members in good standing must complete the Prospective Board Officer Questionnaire (click here) and submit a head-shot type photo in advance of or at the Community Meeting. The statements of all eligible candidates will be shared with the Voting Membership during the election and balloting period.
Checklist for Interested Persons in a Board Officer Position
- Give yourself a pat on the back for considering running for a board officer position. (We THANK you and couldn’t be more thrilled!)
- Read the BPNA Bylaws and Policies. These documents can be found via links at the bottom of the About Us page on this website.
- Ensure you are qualified to be considered for candidacy for a board officer position by (a) being a current, paid Voting Member in good standing, and (b) being a current, adult owner, renter or resident living within the Bluff Park Historic District.
- Complete the online Prospective Board Officer Questionnaire, including the attestation to comply with the BPNA Bylaws and Policies. All entries must be received in advance of or at the Bluff Park Community Meeting on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Update: The deadline is at 7:00 PM Pacific Time (PT) on Wednesday, March 25, since the meeting has been cancelled due to community health concerns related to COVID-19.
- Plan to attend the Community Meeting on Wednesday, March 25. Attendance is not required, but qualified candidates who are present will be introduced publicly. Update: The meeting has been cancelled.
- Submit an optional photo headshot photo of your face to president @ bluffpark . org to be posted along with your questionnaire answers during the election and balloting period.
- Send any questions to president @ bluffpark.org or call (562) 449-0977.
All who live, own and rent in the Bluff Park Historic District are especially invited to participate in our quarterly Community Meetings.
The meetings are informative, engaging, fun, free and open to all. Enjoy free refreshments. Informative and fun for all ages!
Meet and mingle with friends, neighbors and leaders within the community.
The Bluff Park Historic District runs roughly from Ocean to Broadway, and from Loma to Junipero.
- Lampposts & Lines At The Top Fundraiser Event – Sunday, April 26 POSTPONED. TO BE RESCHEDULED
- Neighborhood Clean-Up & Breakfast – Saturday, June 12
- Community Meeting & Social – Wednesday, June 24
- Community Meeting & Social – Wednesday, September 23

Rev 2019_1030, 2020_0213, 2020_0315