Where’s the Plaque?
Phase II – Temple Ave
Use this map and list to find the location of a specific name among the 80 plaques affixed to the bases of the 10 lampposts along Temple Avenue in Phase II.
Lighting the Path: Phase II Dedication Celebration of the Bluff Park Historic Lamppost Project took place on Thursday, September 23, 2021. For photos from the event, see the Gallery page (click here).
Find out more about Historic Lamppost Project (click here).
Are you instead looking for the Inaugural Phase I plaques along Paloma Avenue? Click here.
- Juan Mario & Victoria Macias
- The Murray Family – Patrick, Michelle, Dylan, and Shay
- In Recognition of Timothy Francis, Union Metal Corp., Canton, Ohio
- In Recognition of Deborah Fish
- In Honor of Mayor Robert Garcia
- Councilmember Gary & Dawna DeLong
- In Celebration of Lighting the 1st Path Dedication: Phase 1, July 27, 2019 – Paloma Avenue
- In Celebration of Lighting the Path Dedication: Phase 2, September 23, 2021 – Temple Avenue
- In Memory of Edward “Ted” Tichy, 1938 – 2019
- In Celebration of Sally E. Boyne, Philanthropist & Friend
- In Recognition of Karen Highberger, California Heights Lamppost Restoration Project
- In Honor of Councilwoman Suzie Price
- In Recognition of Jeffrey Mallin & Marco Pizzo, Lamppost Project Co-Leads
- In Recognition of Eric Lopez, Director of Public Works, City of Long Beach
- Andy Anthony Pesich & Karen Grambach-Hayes
- In Recognition of BPNA Board 2021: Jeff, Sergio, Elizabeth, Marco, Tere, Mary Lou, Michelle
- Kathryn & Trenton Strong
- In Recognition of Sally E. Boyne, Philanthropist & Friend
- In Celebration of Original 1927 Sketch of Our Iconic E. 1st Street Lampposts
- In Honor of Councilwoman Suzie Price
- Familia Macias
- In Memory of Americo Pizzo, 1919 – 2020
- In Recognition of Susan A. Malecki
- In Celebration of Bluff Park Historic District, Landmark Ordinance, Est. 1982
- Gary & Christy Roeber, 3345 E. 1st Street
- In Honor of Sally E. Boyne
- In Celebration of Jeffrey Mallin & Marco Pizzo, 117 Paloma Avenue Since 1999
- In Honor of Mayor Robert Garcia
- Alyce LaViolette & Gail Billings-Beck, Go Beach
- In Recognition of The Port of Long Beach
- In Recognition of City Council: Andrews, Austin, Mungo, Pearce, Price, Richardson, Supernaw, and Uranga
- Together We Are Bringing Lamppost History Back
- In Honor of Sally E. Boyne, Great Granddaughter of a 1st Street Resident on E. 1st Street
- Marco & Jeff, Conversations by the Sea – 10/12/2008
- In Celebration of Bluff Park Neighborhood Association, Beach Area Concerned Citizens, Est. 1972
- In Honor of Councilwoman Suzie Price
- Janice Hahn, LA County Supervisor
- In Celebration of Bluff Park Historic Lamppost Project Committee Members, 2014 – 2019
- In Recognition of Shannon Mockridge, City Light & Power, Inc.
- In Memory of Lloyd Garfield Adams, 3335 (Formerly 2555) E. 1st Street
- In Memory of Nona Phelan Adams, 3335 (Formerly 2555) E. 1st Street
- In Memory of James Albert Adams, 3335 (Formerly 2555) E. 1st Street
- In Celebration of Bluff Park Historic District, Design Guidelines, 2018
- In Honor of Mayor Robert Garcia
- In Honor of Sally E. Boyne, Great Granddaughter of Adeline L. Adams
- In Memory of Adeline L. Adams, 3335 (Formerly 2555) E. 1st Street
- In Memory of Charlotte Adams, 3335 (Formerly 2555) E. 1st Street
- In Recognition of David Clark and Sam Elias
- The Ansite Family
- We Love Bluff Park, Mary Lou & Chris
- In Recognition of Sel and Sheri Beebe, Awesome Neighbors & Local Leading Lights!
- In Honor of Councilwoman Suzie Price
- Love is the Whole Thing, We are Only Pieces – By Rumi
- Stephanie Loftin & Reba Birmingham, Long Beach Law, Inc.
- Charlotte “Charlie” Cornett, 12/28/1948 – 9/13/1996
- In Memory of Doug Hawks, You Lit Up Our Lives
- In Honor of Helena Segelhorst, “It’s Doable”
- In Recognition of David Clark and Sam Elias
- Anonymous
- In Honor of Mayor Robert Garcia
- In Recognition of The Port of Long Beach
- In Celebration of Sally E. Boyne
- In Memory of Sarah “Ma” Mallin z”l, 1914 – 2007
- In Memory of Roberto Rodriguez Villaseñor
- In Memory of Julian Guadalupe Rodriguez
- In Memory of Jane (Weander) Kelly, We Love You, Family
- In Memory of Captain Richard “Dick” Turley, 2’s LBFD 1936 – 1981
- In Honor of Councilwoman Suzie Price
- In Honor of Originating Members of BPNA (Formerly, BACC) and Succeeding Board Members & Volunteers
- In Memory of Dr. Thomas Clark
- In Recognition of David Clark and Sam Elias
- A Lifetime of Love, Elaine & Tom Marks
- In Loving Memory of Dr. Edwin and Mary Barnum
- In Recognition of Richard and Brad Seeley
- In Memory of George and Ethel Sales
- In Honor of Mayor Robert Garcia
- In Memory of Susan Stevens, From the ’41 – ’42 Birthday Babies
- With Great Love, Tom Vyse and Dolores Kneece
- In Memory of Elizabeth Vyse